As the original proposer of the destination_sign I think this is a
great example when the relation is useful. I assume there is some
roadsign before exit 91 that announces the upcoming exit. The
destination= of the relation would be what it says on the sign, which
could be a place or a road number.

It has been discussed weather the ref should be the ref of the
destination road after the junction. I belive there was no conclusion
and ref= is not specified on the wiki page. (And has only about 40
usages in destination_sign-relations worldwide)

So this exit [0] could have destination=51; Rothschield; Schofeild
and I guess that you could use ref=185 specifying the exit number.

Back at the RFC stage it was said that for signs with multiple
destinations multiple relations should be created, but my opinion now
is that a semicolon separated list is as good. (Or even better as it
keeps us from getting hideous amounts of relations in complex

In your case you would get 3 relations. I-70 to exit 91 (with
destination= according to the sign at I-70), exit 91 to exit 91A, and
exit 91 to exit 91B (with destination= accoring to the sign(s) at exit
91 before the 91A/B fork).


2010/4/22 Phil! Gold <>:
> I've been trying to figure out how to tag some moderately complex exit
> ramp systems when a single motorway_junction doesn't seem adequate.  An
> email to the newbies list led to an IRC discussion that led to a solution
> that I like, so I wanted to present it here to see what other people think
> and possibly what other people have done in similar situations.
> As background, most highway exits are simple and a motorway_junction with
> a ref= for the exit number captures all the important information about
> the exit.  That approach works best, though, if there's only one
> destination from the exit.  I know several places where the reality is
> slightly more complicated than that.  One example is the exit from
> westbound I-70 in Maryland (in the US) onto I-695[0]; there is one ramp
> from I-70 with exit number 91 that splits a short while later into exits
> 91A (I-695 southbound) and 91B (I-695 northbound).  I want to be able to
> capture all of that information in OpenStreetMap so that a theoretical
> routing agent can say, e.g., "Take exit 91 to the right, then take exit
> 91A to the left."
>  [0]: I-70 westbound exit 91
> The IRC discussion pointed out that this falls more or less into the same
> domain as the destination_sign relation.  The only thing it's missing is
> the exit number.  What I think would work would be to use the
> destination_sign relation with the destination= tag containing the target
> road (I-695, in my example), possibly extended with other destinations
> from the signs in order of increasing distance (so exit 91A might have
> "destination=I-695; Glen Burnie; Washington"); and the ref= tag containing
> the exit number (so exit 91A would have "ref=91A").
> I'd like to know what other people think about this idea.  What other
> approaches have people used for my situation?  One person on IRC suggested
> that ref= on the destination_sign relation sould be the ref of the
> destination road, but I think it makes more sense to have it as the exit
> number (perhaps there could be a destination_ref= tag).  Are there any
> opinions one way or the other on that?
> --
> contrarian of the first order... /
> PGP: 026A27F2  print: D200 5BDB FC4B B24A 9248  9F7A 4322 2D22 026A 27F2
> --- --
> Steal this tagline.  I did.
> ---- --- --
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