
Am Dienstag 27. April 2010 23:17:58 schrieb Paul Houle:
>     Something I'm looking at right now is creating a complete set of
> country boundaries and second-level administrative divisions.
> (Third-level might be nice too,  but that might be asking a lot)

Some time ago I've started to create such an list for the country boundaries 
fo myself. The last version you can see here: 

The raw data you get with the XAPI, (see 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Xapi), in this case with 
http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/relation%5Badmin_level=2%5D (you will 
get ca. 430 MB du to an error in the XAPI!).

This list is not yet finished, some island states of oceania are missing.

Greetings, Carsten

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