
Chris Hunter wrote:
> Perhaps a bot to auto-ban accounts that are running unauthorized bots ;)

I'm with you on implementing measures to allow a stricter control of 
automated edits.

> One of the other things that OSM desperately needs is a way to 
> coordinate tagging across editors and renderers.  Yes I know that the 
> traditional answer is "tag for reality, not for the renderer",  but in 
> all seriousness, the data is useless without renderers and vice-versa.

As long as that coordination happens voluntarily and by evolution and 
good information rather than be vote and decree, yes that would be a 
good idea.

> I haven't had the time lately to check-in with the US SOTM group, but 
> I'd like to see a schema file for tags that have gone through the 
> approval process that JOSM, mkgmap, Mapnik, Potlatch, etc... can all read. 

While it is certainly possible to provide such a file and certainly 
possible for editors to support it, I am 99% sure that no sane editor 
will limit itself to tags that have gone through one approval process or 
the other.

> Obviously, the file would need to be kept centralized and only be 
> writable by a limited number of people.  

No, that is not at all obivous. If you intend to create a file that has 
a certain "authority" and writability only for a select elite then I can 
assure you that it will be sidelined.

I think it would be a good idea to create a repository of such tagging 
standards where everyone can create new standards to his heart's 
content, and the user of an editor can then select one of the existing 
standards (or create a new one). - That would most likely create a 
situation in which a few popular tagging standards emerge, and a certain 
competition among these will help create something really good in the 
long run without ever having to have something "authoritative".


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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