On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> I think it would be a good idea to create a repository of such tagging
> standards where everyone can create new standards to his heart's
> content, and the user of an editor can then select one of the existing
> standards (or create a new one). - That would most likely create a
> situation in which a few popular tagging standards emerge, and a certain
> competition among these will help create something really good in the
> long run without ever having to have something "authoritative".
I like this idea a lot, Frederik. I imagine something like a presets file
that all editors could parse to display commonly-used key/value pairs. Each
would have a description (optionally i18nized (so that "motorway" would
describe a "highway" in the US and an actual "motorway" in the UK)) and
perhaps could be auto-updated weekly from the planet file.

That way JOSM and Potlatch could present suggestions that are broader than
just the currently-loaded OSM file (in JOSM's case) and some preset file (in
Potlatch's case).

Perhaps some simplified editor could only show the top X values for a given
tag (ranked by use in the wild) while a more advanced editor could show a
whole lot more.
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