Am 04.05.2010 00:27, schrieb IgnacioZ:
> I would like to know if there is a workaround, or where should I report
> the bug?
You can report it at but you still should 
get an answer from an api maintainer here :)


> Here I copy the error again:
> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR:  insert or update on
> table "current_node_tags" violates foreign key constraint
> "current_node_tags_id_fkey"
> DETAIL:  Key (id)=(717587768) is not present in table "current_nodes".
> : INSERT INTO "current_node_tags" ("k", "v", "id") VALUES(E'name',
> E'Caseratto', 717587768) RETURNING "id"
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:53 PM, IgnacioZ <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi I'm using real data for "testing" and I'm uploading the data to
>     production. Then I check it with Potlach and it's working fine for
>     most nodes, but sometimes I get the errors I mentioned (during the
>     upload) and then the nodes are not in the database.
>     These are three examples of XML that had the error:
>     <osm><node changeset="4588121" lat="-31.427919"
>     lon="-64.187429"><tag k="name" v="Caseratto"/><tag k="amenity"
>     v="bar"/></node></osm>
>     <osm><node changeset="4588121" lat="-31.428072"
>     lon="-64.187143"><tag k="name" v="Palestra"/><tag k="type"
>     v="climbing"/></node></osm>
>     <osm><node changeset="4588121" lat="-31.428261"
>     lon="-64.186582"><tag k="name" v="Beto's"/><tag k="amenity"
>     v="fast_food"/></node></osm>
>     If you check out that changeset you will find that there are other
>     nodes that were uploaded without problems.
>     Thanks,
>     Ignacio.
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