On 7 May 2010 19:36, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> If this happens, then we have a clash of two principles. Either we say
> that the principle of subsidiarity overrides the "freedom to tag",
> allowing the Russians to restrict that freedom in their area because it
> is, after all, their area; or we say that the "freedom to tag" is the
> overriding principle and we will not tolerate any local community to
> tell us outsiders how they would like to be mapped.

The problem is as soon as you start limiting freedom, no matter what
the reason, it will only keep expanding to reduce freedom further,
until whole countries start disappearing from OSM database...

As Anton pointed out, you need a license to map in Russia, so I'm
guessing military areas is only a starting point until other companies
start enforcing this restriction on OSM and demand that more and more
information be removed.

I have no problem with people not wanting to map something, but you
have to draw the line somewhere, and I think this line has been
crossed by this voting proposal...

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