On 05/27/2010 12:53 AM, Nic Roets wrote:
> The 'private' tag is used quite often and will be quite tedious if a
> user needs to specify what roads he may access as an owner before he
> can use the system. So from a practical standpoint, it makes sense to
> treat it as a road tagged with 'destination':

As i wrote. Access only to property OWNERS, and not "Kjøring til 
eiendommene er tillatt", witch is the text on destination driving sub-signs.

> I haven't considered all these issues last time I looked at my code
> that handles it and it still interpret 'private' as 'no'. Perhaps the
> same thing happened to Cloudmade.

The access in question clearly says YES, so I do not see the problem.

>> access: no
>> bicycle: yes
>> created_by: JOSM
>> foot: yes
>> highway: service
>> motorcar: private
>> name: Munkebotn
>> note: Middelalder stamvei (ridevei)
>> old_name: Den Trondheimske postvei
>> start_date: 1600
>> http://osm.org/go/0Rv01LEg?layers=0B00FTTT
>> Is there a problem with the tagging, or with the routing-software?

 >   Or they don't want to take the risk
 > that one of their clients will do something silly, get a fine or get
 > arrested and then face all the legalities and / or bad press.

Just some notes about Norwegians access rules (for those who are 

You may not restrict access to anyone that's non-motorized in Norway, 
except if:
* Their access makes damage to you property
* Their access is a danger to them self or others. ( security perimeter 
and "walking on the motorway")
* National security (Military bases &c)
* Your garden. *)

*) Courts have ruled
that 7 meters from you house is to far away to restrict someone access 
to walk on a path though your property, witch the house-owner considered 
his garden.

As far as I know, we do not have a word for trespassing in Norway. The 
closest we get to trespassing laws are.
* You may deny people to set up camp for more the 48h.
* You may deny people to set up camp closer than 150m from a building.
* You may access to people when their actions damage your property.

So, if you are a programmer of a routing software, you can conclude 
that: Foot and bicycle have access to ALL paths and roads unless 
otherwise specified.

Michael Eric Menk
Linkedin: http://no.linkedin.com/in/mikemenk

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