On 10 Jun 2010, at 18:12, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>> I would. It already happens and it's right that it does. Trac's UI is
>> much, much better for this sort of thing. 
> As a bug reporter, I find that the trac UI sucks massively. I have spent 
> ages, on different tracs of different projects, to try and find out whether 
> the bug I wanted to report was already in the system. And sometimes I knew 
> that it was and could not find it.
> I much prefer dumping my bug to a mailing list where whoever knows something 
> about the issue can perhaps pick it up and put it it the right place, or if 
> nobody does, then my bug probably wasn't important and deserves to be ignored.

That might give you instant gratification, but the "perhaps" is the key. It 
makes it much less likely - in Potlatch 1's case, anyway - that the bug will be 
remembered and filed. It might work on a project with lots of spare developers 
but that project ain't OSM and it certainly ain't P1.

At the very least, if you have to post it to a list, do attempt to use the 
right one (i.e. Potlatch-dev not talk). 

As a matter of record: talk is too high volume so I don't subscribe by e-mail, 
I skim read on nabble. If you post a Potlatch bug report on talk it won't end 
up in my inbox. If you post it on potlatch-dev or trac it will. Make your own 
mind up which is more likely to result in the bug being fixed. :)


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