On 2 July 2010 14:07, Robin Paulson <robin.paul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> up till now, i've corrected mistakes as i've seen them, but he does so
> much it's become a hell of a job, and feels like pointless duplication
> of effort

That's not helping him, generally if I spot mistakes I send a short
email pointing out the mistake and ask if they need help fixing them,
rather than just fixing them, they may figure out their own mistakes
in time but there will be a lot of mistakes before that happens in the
mean time.

> i guess this is more of a training/diplomacy issue than mapping per
> se, but i was never great at either of those

I'd suggest it's more of a mentoring thing than anything more formal,
rather than anything more official, just ask if they're aware of the
mistakes, just be polite and a little tactful about it.

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