A donated netbook that is sitting in a chair and pointed to the
speaker podeum, with Ustream.tv running and capturing everything that
is going on is EASY to set up.
It just needs to be checked every so often to make sure its still
recording & airing live.

You could even stick a nametag on it as 'Iama Mapper'.


On 7/6/10, maning sambale <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there plans to do this? Nothing was mentioned in the website
> (from someone who would love to attend but can't)
> --
> cheers,
> maning
> ------------------------------------------------------
> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
> wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
> blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
> ------------------------------------------------------
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