
We are actually planning to do this again, but no guarantees, that's why
it's not mentioned yet :)

There are cameras in both rooms and we will be recording everything for
viewing after the conference. We'll be testing the streaming in the
following days.

For now: keep your eye on www.stateofthemap.org !

If you are going to the SotM and want to volunteer to help out with
videostreaming for a few hours, please let me know!

Floris Looijesteijn
SotM 2010 Organizing Committee

Sam Vekemans wrote:
> A donated netbook that is sitting in a chair and pointed to the
> speaker podeum, with Ustream.tv running and capturing everything that
> is going on is EASY to set up.
> It just needs to be checked every so often to make sure its still
> recording & airing live.
> You could even stick a nametag on it as 'Iama Mapper'.
> Cheers,
> Sam
> On 7/6/10, maning sambale <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are there plans to do this? Nothing was mentioned in the website
>> (from someone who would love to attend but can't)
>> --
>> cheers,
>> maning
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
>> wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
>> blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
>> ------------------------------------------------------
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