On Jul 18, 2010, at 8:05 PM, John Smith wrote:

> On 19 July 2010 03:56, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
>> We had this discussion years ago now and they were fine with it. As with 
>> everything else, they weren't allowed by legal to say anything publicly and 
>> were just waiting for the actual changeover.
> That covers current licenses, what about if OSM goes CC0/PD like some
> would like and which the current CTs would allow more easily?

I think all the individuals that I spoke to then have since left Y!

The companies I talk to today come down in to two camps on PD. The first 
basically lick their lips and want us to go PD so they don't have to contribute 
anything (in effect make their business easier) and the second think it would 
be nuts because then the project wouldn't have long term growth potential and 
would probably die and fragment like BSD did etc etc etc.

I'd count the second group as the brighter ones.



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