On Aug 17, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Michal Migurski <m...@stamen.com> wrote:
>> That'd be awesome. One possibility is to flesh out the REST API provided by 
>> Walking Papers, keeping it running on a separate host but making the 
>> functionality available on various OSM.org servers.
> Dear Mike,
> I'm intrigued by the idea, though I'm also wary of the resistance to
> change the OSM.org front page.  You mentioned a REST API.  What sort
> of options are possible for integrating Walking Papers with OSM sites?
> For example, is Walking Papers licensed under GPL or another license
> that would be suitable for running on the OSM servers?  Are logins
> required?


I'm super flexible. Walking Papers is currently licensed under the GPL, so you 
won't have any license issues that I'm aware of. I used external libraries like 
Smarty (http://www.smarty.net), PEAR (http://pear.php.net), NumPy 
(http://numpy.scipy.org), PIL (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil), and 
VLFeat (http://www.vlfeat.org).

The REST API is currently read-only: you can get information about prints and 
scans and so on for use in OSM editors, but I'm imagining adding ways of 
writing data to the site as well. I'm basically completely happy to do whatever 
work is necessary to make the project interoperable with other codebases.

Here's an example request:

No logins are required on the site.

The service has two general halves: one is the PHP/MySQL based front end which 
you see at http://walking-papers.org (and 
http://github.com/migurski/paperwalking/tree/master/site/), the other is a 
Python-based daemon that handles offline tasks to generate printed maps and 
process scans (code at 

I use Amazon S3 for storage of scans and other large files, but a migration to 
something hosted by OSMF-owned server would be fairly simple.


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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