Bernhard R. Fischer wrote:
> For a long time now I am interested in tagging seamarks.....(short version)

Same here. I always knew that there wasn't anything near to consensus about 
much of anything on that front though, with a lot of bad blood in the German 
OSM community, which is one of the reasons why I shied away from getting 
involved until about now.

Very frustrating situation indeed.

> Now I found out that there are two comparable but different and competing 
> tagging schemes:
> *
> *
> The first one is used by the second one by
> Consequently, there exist two disjoint marine maps.


New information (at least, new to some, including me) has surfaced on the 
German [Talk-de] OSM mailing list that says (paraphrasing) the first mentioned 
is the one and only "official" proposal (incidentally also used by FT, The second link you mentioned is part of the scheme of the 
other project (OSeaM,

So it would appear that we actually have
* one official proposal, currently under discussion (also used by FT)
* one private scheme, with private tags (exclusively used by OSeaM)

Now, the thing is I'm not really sure about this assessment. What I wrote above 
is my current understanding of the situation, which may be wrong. I'd 
appreciate input from FT or OSeaM project members on this matter, or really 
from anyone at all!

> This is extremely frustrating!
> Computers do not care about attribute names and we shouldn't also as long as 
> both schemes fulfill the same requirements.

This is not just a naming issue. The tagging concepts of the schemes are rather 
different (contrary to what has been alleged somewhere on the Wiki).

There seems to be a lot of half knowledge and smattering among some of those 
who wrote on the Wiki on marine topics in the past, which of course is very 
conductive to misunderstandings. I believe this is part of what fuelled the 
conflicts between FT and OSeaM back then (but I was an observer in those 
conflicts only, so what do I know :) ).

Anyway, one thing I find particularly remarkable is that on just about every 
one of the Wiki pages, someone wrote something about that this tagging scheme 
"followed" IHO standard S-57, and how important and cool that would be, while 
actually (and thankfully), none of those schemes even come close to S-57.

S-57 is basically a soon-to-be-obsolete, proprietary and binary file format, so 
"following" it wouldn't really make a lot of sense for OSM. Not sure why so 
many people wrote that. Perhaps someone on this list is able to enlighten me?


Arne Johannessen

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