hi Peter,
It will be great to see your resaults, then i can compare them with
the current tagging system used by
and others.

I found that many tags are 'primary tag dependent', meaning that using
the tag alone on a node/way/area does not directly produce a map
ie. 'access=*' and 'surface=*' .. and 'name=*user_defined' all require
something else to make a map feature.  In the example you need
'highway=*' to make any of the 3 do something.'
So these tags can be grouped into a category and numbered in a easily
understandable TagID#

I'm still working on this idea, the temporary name is 'Schematroll 2.01' :-)


On 9/3/10, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:
> Am 01.09.2010 15:15, schrieb Lars Francke:
>> The database schema is pretty easy though so if anyone has data laying
>> around this is what I would need:
>> tag_keys: id integer, total_count integer, changeset_count integer,
>> node_count integer, relation_count integer, way_count integer, name
>> character varying(255), value_count integer
>> tag_values: id integer, total_count integer, changeset_count integer,
>> node_count integer, relation_count integer, way_count integer, name
>> character varying(255), key_id integer
> There's one thing I've been missing: the changeset_count. How do you
> calculate it? Is it the number of distinct changesets that have used
> this tag resp. tag/calue combination?
> I'd then implement it using another two tables
> changeset_keys: changeset integer, key_id integer
> changeset_values: changeset integer, key_id integer, value_id integer
> to check if a specific key / value is already used in a changeset and
> not incrementing changeset_count then.
> Peter
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