Coast, Hurricane <hurricane.coast <at>> writes:

>>are there any
>>particular wishes from the Mapquest people about how the data can be
>>We do have a wish list that I'm sure is quite similar to many OSMers. But
>>let me turn around the question to the community: how do you think the data
>>can be improved? Where should we, collaboratively, start?

I think one of the first things you notice when trying to use OSM (be it
or Mapquest) instead of Google Maps is the search function.  The hit rate is not
great.  Some of this will require code fixes to Nominatim but at least as much
will be due to missing data, or perhaps because of inconsistent tagging of the
data we have.

So, is it possible for Mapquest to generate aggregate information on what name
searches people are doing and how often they find the result they wanted?  The
latter is not something you can measure directly, but you can see which of the
offered results the user clicks on, which gives a clue.

In general, I think our goal must be to make OSM a suitable replacement for
Google Maps, and to do so as quickly as possible.  However getting 100% coverage
is not something we can achieve in the short term, especially in countries with
no additional sources of data besides individual mappers.  So we need to find a
way to prioritize our efforts on the 80% most useful part of the map.  Some
search statistics would provide a way to do that.

Ed Avis <>

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