On 5 Oct 2010, at 08:43, Ed Avis wrote:

> Shaun McDonald <shaun <at> shaunmcdonald.me.uk> writes:
>>>> For example according to Nominatim Surrey covers most of London
>>>> http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?place_id=559111
>>> Is there a reason why Nominatim doesn't use the administrative county
>>> boundaries?
>> Do you have an example of one in the osm data that it doesn't use?
> Perhaps I misunderstood what you wrote.  I thought you meant that Nominatim 
> when
> searching for 'Surrey' will use the rough polygon for place=county rather than
> the boundary of Surrey administrative county.

Yep, there is no polygon for the boundary of Surrey that I'm aware of, thus the 
use of the generated polygon.


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