
80n wrote:
I'm particularly interested in how it could be made easier for contributors to handle the situation. How will they know which OSM they should contribute to?

I'd prefer if you chose the wording: "Which collaborative mapping platform..." - because there can only be one OSM project.

Can they easily contribute to more than one instance?

In cases where they upload new stuff (i.e. something like an .osc with only self contained <create>s in it) that could easily be sent to multiple systems by an editor. But what if a new mapping platform pops up later and would like to have the user's content but cannot get it from the existing platforms? Maybe users should simply upload their stuff to a PD repository from which everyone else can then fetch it; that would make sure that there are no dead ends. (Eg if I today upload by stuff to an ODbL platform and a CC-BY-SA platform but tomorrow a PD platform opens which I also want to support - how will I do that technically?)

I'm also interested in what can be done to make it easier to combine content from multiple OSM instances. Suppose one OSM instance has better content for Australia, while another has better content for India.

An, albeit small, first step could be to implement a map browser with OpenLayers that allows you to set your own private set of tile sources for various areas (e.g. use Google for the US, use CommonMap for Australia, use OSM for everything else).


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