At Frederick said of the OSM book, now out in English, "The book is of course a niche product as books go — with roughly 4,000 copies sold altogether."

I think you sell yourself short: 4,000 copies is good, and is before *any* English language sales. I gather a typical print run for a new book in general is under 5,000 and 4,000-7,000 is 'a damned good job. A "strong seller."'[1]

I'll certainly look forward to reading it now it's in English. Congratulations. (As I live round the corners from the publisher, maybe I should just pop round and ask for one! I see they are also the publishers for David Mackay's book "Sustainable Energy without the hot air"[2] which is also available as a free PDF and I have just finished reading).


[1] - actually the quote is for fiction, but the article then goes on to say "In my experience, these numbers hold true for trade sales in all book categories", "7,000+ copies = you're a star."


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