Okay folks, we've talked about a Code of Conduct for a long time.

Here's my proposal for one.

It's a draft, so let's discuss. I'm attaching it here and it's also on
the wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Draft_Code_of_Conduct

My goal is after some discussion here, we can bring it to a vote
within some forum of the OSMF and have it adopted project wide.

Here's the contents of that page, so we can discuss it on the list:

= Draft OpenStreetMap Code of Conduct =

This is a draft for the OpenStreetMap Code of Conduct. If accepted, it
would apply to the totality of the project, including mailing lists,
forums, IRC and other official channels of OSM communication.

== Be Respectful ==

OpenStreetMap contributors come from a variety of backgrounds and have
a variety of skill sets. We believe that our diversity is a source of
strength and that everyone has something to contribute to the project.
Some degree of frustration and constructive disagreement is to be
expected when dealing with a passionate community project. However, it
is important to remember that a community where people feel
uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. In the spirit of
collaboration, please refrain from allowing healthy differences of
opinion or frustration to turn into personal attacks or flame/edit
wars.. We expect community members to be respectful when dealing with
other contributors, as well as people outside the project.

== Be Collaborative ==

Collaboration is central to OpenStreetMap and we encourage our
contributors to work together both inside and outside the project.
Collaboration strengthens our community. OpenStreetMap contributors
are  encouraged to act transparently and when possible involve all
interested parties. When a new approach is taken on an existing
project or a major project is considered/started, please notify the
larger community early, document the work and inform others regularly
of progress.

== When we disagree, we consult others ==

Disagreements, both social and technical, are common in diverse
communities. It is crucial for the long term success of the project
that major disagreements are resolved constructively, with
transparency, with the help of the community and community processes.

== When we are unsure, we ask for help ==

Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the
OpenStreetMap community. Asking questions before taking a major action
can prevent problems down the road, and so questions is encouraged.
When asking a question, members are encouraged to do so in an open and
appropriate forum.

== Step down considerately ==

When members of an OpenStreetMap organization leave their official
role, or disengage from the project, they are asked to do so in a way
that minimizes disruption to the project as a whole. Members are
strongly encouraged to put forth an effort to ensure that others can
pick up where they left off.

== Respect Copyright and Licenses ==

It can be very tempting when you find a dataset or resource to add it
to OpenStreetMap. Not all data resources have copyright or license
agreements compatible with OSM. "Tainted data" in OpenStreetMap may
put the entire project at risk. Please be conscious of license issues
and never add data into OpenStreetMap in a way that violates other
licenses or copyright. If you have a question on whether or not a data
set is compatible, you are encouraged to contact the Data Working
Group or the Legal Working Group for clarification.

The OpenStreetMap Code of Conduct is based on the Ubuntu Code of
Conduct ( http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct ) and is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.

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