On 16 October 2010 16:01, Serge Wroclawski <emac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's really a technical issue: synchronizing accounts. Let's not get
> caught up in implementation details.
> > Anybody who doesn't like readiing postings by ...
> > just filter them.
> The problem with disruptive people goes beyond the individual reading the
> post.
> If I'm a newcommer to the project and I see widespread dissent,
> untruthes, personal attacks, etc. this will turn me off. Even if I'm
> not a newcommer, am I to now take this task on of filtering every
> person?
> The mailing lists aren't public in the sense of free speech. Anyone is
> allowed to say what they want using their own soapbox, but this is a
> communal space and as such, has communal rules.
So where else would people express their opinions if not on these lists?  If
there is "widespread dissent" on a subject it surely means that there is a
problem that needs to be resolved not just papered over.

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