On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:04 AM, Peter Wendorff
<wendo...@uni-paderborn.de> wrote:
> Let's take the following entities:
> A museum showing old buildings arranged to villages from the far past (there
> are a lot of in Germany, but also in other countries). As that's not a
> building (it includes buildings, but not the ensemble of buildings form the
> museum, the whole area does), building:use=museum is wrong.

Amenity=museum.  Put it on a building, put it on an area which isn't a
building, put it on a POI....

> area:use=museum - could be, so your idea was to use:
> area:use=museum
> tourism=yes

Why tag all museums with tourism=yes when you can just put a single
line in the search engine which says that museums (or perhaps museums
without access=no) are places for tourism.

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