On 22/11/10 12:40, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:

> The reason for not accepting GPX with just waypoints is obviously that
> timestamps are wanted as an evidence to prove that OSM mappers have been on
> place instead of copying waypoint lists from the web.

Wrong. Apart from anything else waypoints in GPX files do have
timestamps, or at least the ones my GPS produces do.

The reason can be found here:


Which will tell you this:

  "The reason for this is that if you reset many GPS units or download
   map data to them, then you often get copyrighted data put in the
   GPX. The most famous example is that if you reset a Garmin GPS unit
   then it will put the locations of the Garmin offices around the
   world as waypoints on the unit.

I happen to think that's a pretty bonkers reason, but it is the reason
it wasn't done as far I understand it.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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