So, how does this new Australian rural numbering scheme handle the case of the 
road being extended from its original starting point?  Will every address along 
that road have a new address assigned to it, will the new stretch of road have 
negative numbers as addresses, or will the road be renamed, so that Smith Road 
will become Smith Road West and Smith Road East, with the name changing at the 
former origin point?  Nashville, Tennessee, USA, where I live, has a version of 
the latter scheme for some street names.  Around 1900, a lot of streets 
crossing West End Avenue were renamed to 1st Ave North (north of West End 
Avenue), 1st Avenue South (south of West End Avenue), etc.  The house numbers 
are based upon the distance from West End Avenue.  Unfortunately, no such 
orderly system was used for street names, or house numbers, anywhere else in 
the city.  There are even a few named, rather than numbered, streets 
interspersed among the numbered streets, since the city planners back in 1900 
apparently decided that streets only one or two blocks long wouldn't have their 
names changed.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] Suggestion for an Unconference
Date  :Fri Nov 26 18:24:17 America/Chicago 2010

On Fri, 2010-11-26 at 22:25 +0000, Ed Avis wrote:
> SteveC <steve <at>> writes:
> >Speaking personally about what large orgs and what they want, I think it's
> >pretty simple. Have a look at commercial data and OSM and do a diff, what are
> >the main things missing?  Addressing for geocoding and turn restrictions for
> >routing.
> For addressing, I guess it is usually sufficient to have a street name - the
> exact addr:housenumber stuff is not needed I assume?

Just to make things more fun, in Australia rural numbers are changing,
from a mailbox number, to a number which when multiplied by 10 gives the
distance from the start of the road.  For example, if you live at 2638
Smith Rd, the driveway location is 26,380m from the start of the road.


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John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
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