Speaking personally about what large orgs and what they want, I think it's
pretty simple. Have a look at commercial data and OSM and do a diff, what are the main things missing? Addressing for geocoding and turn restrictions for

For addressing, I guess it is usually sufficient to have a street name - the
exact addr:housenumber stuff is not needed I assume?

On the contrary, any use in a serious navigation system fails to meet user expectation if not using accurate addr:housenumber. The #1 or #2 complaint in Skobbler's free US Smartphone navigation app is that the location is .25 mile, 9 houses, or 1/2 block from the real location. It is extremely useful and impressive to be delivered to the exact street address.

I would be surprised if there is any realistic way to crowdsource 99% of addr:housenumber in the US. It's mindnumbing work, dangerous in some areas where pedestrians and bikes are not safe.

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