On 3 December 2010 16:21, Anthony <o...@inbox.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> 
> wrote:
>> Rather, as Francis pointed out: "A mistake? Someone infelicitously drafting
>> the licence? It does happen you know :-)."
>> Or, as ever with OSM, never attribute to conspiracy that which can be
>> adequately explained by cock-up.
> The whole thing is a mistake, but I find it hard to believe that the
> wording of the license was an accident.  The fact that it got re-added
> in 1.2 was probably an accident, but the appearance of it in 0.9?  How
> could it be an accident?

I'm a member of Licensing Working Group... I haven't followed this
whole thread yet, but if there is a mistake it is a cocked up, not
malicious. We only recently sent CT 1.2 to legal for their review,
nothing back yet AFAIK... We're only human, but legal has lawyers! ;-)

I'll raise this thread at our next meeting on Tuesday.

 LWG member.

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