On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com> wrote:
> We could add per-country or per-geographical-area rules about what the 
> 'default'
> language is.  But that seems like the wrong answer, and would give the wrong
> result in many cases.

Seems like the right answer to me. There are lots of things that would
benefit from this scheme: default speed limits, driving on left/right,
default access rights, etc etc...

>Often, there is no sharp dividing line between one language area and another

So those areas should specify languages explicitly. Very many
countries have a single official language. Asking every mapper to add
this extra tag, rather than just the ones where it could be ambiguous,
doesn't make sense.

I have no idea if anyone's interested in implementing the "default"
system though.


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