On 6 December 2010 11:41, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Erik,
> On 12/06/10 11:19, Erik Johansson wrote:
>> :-) Well does anyone have code to add name as "local language" in
>> postgis, what are the options? Lets not complicate your remark by
>> enumerating all multilingual areas in the world, where names means
>> power
> The question was about Nominatim originally. As far as I am aware, Nominatim
> already makes an effort to find out in which country something lies (so it
> can give the country in the result list) - so it should be trivial to employ
> a country->language code mapping and always assume that the given name is in
> the country's default language, no?

This is the approach I've already taken - the next version of
Nominatim has a field country_default_language_code as part of the
country details
 This list is entirely of my own construction and probably misses
quite a few countries default languages.  I welcome any improvements!

This approach really only works for countries with a single primary
language, for instance it won't work well in Switzerland, but in
general people in countries with multiple primary languages are more
careful about how they tag languages so actually ti resolves most of
the problems.


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