Le 17/12/2010 13:08, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen a écrit :

OSM is an open system.

Anyone can contribute as he likes.

Not only...
Anyone can contribute for making data beter.
We don't always agree on what is beter. But we discuss it.
And we generaly agree that dupes are worse.

If there is something wrong then you cannot say "must be reverted"

I can say it ! I will not do it without discussion...
(In fact for technical reason I will not do it but I will suport the one who will do it after discussion and agrement)

It's the original author that should be convinced to revert data.

Not exactly !
If I put data in the database, I'm no more the owner.

Only none cooperative authors should "have their date reverted"

All OSM-ers are equal, nor Pieren nor Frederik are more equal.

It is not a question of person but of quality of data.
We are not talking of reverting somebody, but reverting a changeset.
It is not a question of Pieren or Frederik or anybody, but of having discussion of the oportunity of doing a revert. And the opinion of Pieren or Frederic or anybody else is as valuable as the opinion of the author, as far as it is well-founded.

OSM is not a sympathic club but a project. The aim is not to be kind (even if it doesn't arm !).

Kindly yours :-)

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