On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 12:19 PM, John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com> wrote:
> If you can map a street in just five seconds, using just three clicks and a 
> keypress, this implies that you are mapping just the end points, with just a 
> calculated line between them.  Very few streets in the world are absolutely 
> straight, with no curves at all.  This also means that you aren't bothering 
> to join streets at intersections, so none of the streets you map will be 
> routable.  Plus, from what you say, you aren't creating any tags on the roads 
> you map.  Most of the rest of us try to do a better job of mapping than that.

Good grief. Where do I start? By apologising for my loose wording:
"click, click, click" wasn't meant to indicate precisely three clicks.
It's often four.

>Very few streets in the world are absolutely straight

They are in grid-pattern suburbia and in agricultural areas on flat
land. Prepare to have your mind blown:

>This also means that you aren't bothering to join streets at intersections,

You can create a branch from one street, and connect it to another
street (ie, a straight side street) with a shift-click, and one more
click. Potlatch 2.

>Plus, from what you say, you aren't creating any tags on the roads you map.

That's what the "R" keypress is for. Repeat tags.
highway=residential,source=Bing. Sometimes there's a surface=unpaved.

>Most of the rest of us try to do a better job of mapping than that.

The only way your whole email makes sense is if you think I'm a
retarded monkey who failed OSM 101. I mean really: you think I'm
sitting here creating a bunch of straight ways (even though the road
is curved), that aren't connected to anything, and have no tags at all
(not even highway=road). I'd be insulted, but your suggestions are
just too ludicrous.If you were just trolling, then well played.


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