On 9-1-2011 17:17, andrzej zaborowski wrote:

You can use the set python of scripts descibed in the wiki here:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Upload.py to do this to some
degree.  The "smarter-sort" script sorts your changes in such a way
that they look as much as possible like a manual edit.  This way
objects and their chilren hopfully end up in an atomic diff.

I've been using that set of scripts for months now, for import style uploads, and it works well. You *have* to know what you're doing, and know the API/data model reasonably well in case things go wrong.

The scripts work on osmChange (.osc) files internally. I've extended the script included on that page to take an .osm file as input and return another .osm file at the end of the upload. That way, I can take the finished upload and postprocess with JOSM.

smarter-sort.py is pretty good in limiting those situations where people are deleting 'unused' nodes during your upload.

I also once requested the same sorting functionality in JOSM. Kind of fell on deaf ears, as the ticket hasn't been acted upon. https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/4299


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