
>>> Other than the one you get by clicking "Map Key" on the left hand side
>>> of the map you mean?
>> Try doing that when osmarender or the cyclemap layers are displayed
> Exactly - the technology is there. It just needs somebody to provide the
> images.
Following a similar discussion in september 2009 I wrote the following
email to the tah mailing list:

| Ok, I just finished the shell script which generates the mapkey.
| If you are interested in the osmarender map key please have a look at:
| http://www.petschge.de/osm/mapkey.tgz
| The tarball contains the shellscript, the generated osm file and the
| generated png files. The names of the pngfiles match the names from the
| mapnik map key. A few icons (like cable.png) are missing because they
| don't fit in the bounding box. I'll see what I can do there. Patches and
| improvements are welcome, especially suggestions which features to
| incorporate.

Nothing happened after that.

Patrick "Petschge" Kilian

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