Am 24.01.2011 02:19, schrieb Anthony:
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Vincent Pottier<>  wrote:
Le 24/01/2011 00:25, Anthony a écrit :

I'm not quite sure why, but I really don't like JOSM.  Of the four
main editors (others being PL1, PL2, and Merkaartor), it's my least

I realy don't understand why.

I don't either, but I think it's because it's java.  And it's slow,
eats up memory, and crashes (which I guess is redundant, as I've
already said it's java).  And the yahoo background image quality
sucks.  And the commands are non-intuitive.  And last I checked
(though this may no longer be true) the support for relations sucks.

But there's something else about it that I just don't like, and I
can't quite put my finger on it.  I think it's just because it's java.

Please don't feed the troll ...

Regards, ULFL

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