I am trying to convince Kansas State University to do something
similar! Unfortunately the last I heard on the subject was along the
lines of "The OSM data is awesome... how do we get it into Google?!"
So we'll have to see how that goes.

As Frederik has said, the OSM database is public and we like it that
way. You should not use it as your private campus-wide data
aggregation database. So for example, if someone maps all the phones,
trees or light poles on campus then so be it. That is their right and
you should absolutely not delete them. What you CAN do is add any good
and valid data you have to the OSM database and then use that data, in
addition to what others contribute for your own needs.

The best way to deal with that is to render your own tiles. If you
don't want to show phones on the base map then just don't render them.
This has other advantages as well. One thing that my boss was
concerned with was someone from the *other* school going into OSM and
drawing lewd things on our campus map the night before the big
football game. Obviously rendering your own tiles would prevent this.

Plus, the tile usage policy of osm.org encourages you to render your
own tiles anyway. The osm.org tiles are primarily for giving mappers
feedback, not for end user consumption. The OSM infrastructure is not
robust enough to support everyone sucking down tiles. MapQuest has
stated that they don't mind people using their tiles from
open.mapquest.com if you like their style.

Here are a couple of links that I have come across while looking at
this subject:
OSM based map at the University of Maryland. Has a routing engine that
can be tailored to route for foot or wheelchair (avoid stairs,

Campus map of a school in Switzerland:
They pretty much only use OSM as a base map. Most of the magic is done
in an overlay. It is amazingly detailed with routing to individual
rooms via stairs or elevators if you check the "disabled" checkbox. I
believe they use MapFish ( http://mapfish.org/ )


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