On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Ido Omer <ido.o...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> What we currently exposed is a web service that given two points finds the 
> best road
> between them (or at least what it considers as best, which can be really bad 
> sometimes)
> We are not stopping people from using this service in their editors and 
> achieve part of the
> functionality you suggested (we really hope this will happen).

What are the restrictions on the use of the API?  Are we allowed to
store results?  Compare them with other data (LIDAR, parcel data, USGS
imagery)?  Access it by bot without human intervention?

Even without the source code, I can think of a lot of neat things that
can be done with the API.  But I'm not sure they're consistent with
the intent for which the service was released.

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