On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Hillsman, Edward <hills...@cutr.usf.edu> wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Don't worry about it. You did great work on the area, because (I gather) you 
> live out there. I live and work quite a bit farther east, and I do most of my 
> mapping closer to where I live. I added the bicycle shop and building based 
> on a single visit. I just wanted to bring this example into the discussion, 
> because I don't think the technical details of removing data, or their 
> implications, were well-thought-out.
> Ed Hillsman

Thanks.  Yes, the main reason I knew Grand Plaza was more than one
building was because I've been there.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Maarten Deen <md...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Am I the only one who is wondering what this whole thread is about? Has
> Anthony's edits been removed? If so, why?
> I haven't heard of the license change actually being implemented ATM, and
> certainly not that edits are being removed.

All my edits were removed because the LWG thinks they were traced from
Google.  It doesn't have anything directly to do with the license
change, though if it weren't for the license change I probably would
have tried to get them to stop.

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