On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Ed,
> Hillsman, Edward wrote:
>> As an example, on September 5, 2009, I added Carrollwood Bicycle Emporium
>> (484675555), a bicycle shop, to a shopping center. On October 12, Anthony
>> added an address to this bicycle shop.
> And on October 14, Anthony removed that bicycle shop, and it has been
> removed ever since.
> On October 19, Anthony created two nodes, 535406826 and 535416420, both for
> this same bicycle shop. These have been affected by the reversion because by
> working the way he did, Anthony severed the history ties to your original
> version. Had he simply added to your node, instead of deleting and
> re-creating it, then a clean reversal would have been possible.
> I apologise if this has already been said elsewhere in this thread; I'm only
> skimming messages.

Yes, it's what I said in the other thread.  My creations were
reverted, but my deletions were not.  Reverting situations where a
node/way was deleted and recreated are pretty much impossible to
handle programatically, as reverting the deletions would likely cause
even more problems, with duplicated data.  But deleting and recreating
is sometimes the easiest way to make a fix.  (I did this sometimes
when turning a TIGER way into a dual carriageway, and IIRC I did it in
this particular situation because I was turning a standalone node into
an interpolation way.)

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