On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Hillsman, Edward <hills...@cutr.usf.edu>wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 15:47:29, Daniel Sabo wrote:
> And if someone has figured out a safe and efficient way to map by car or
> bike without stopping all the time, I'd be interested in hearing about it.
> Helmet cams on bike helmets can be useful for recording features of the
> road, but it's not safe to be moving and at the same time staring at
> something beside the road.

If you had someone else to drive, then you could jot notes (could be written
and/or audio), etc.

I'm usually on my own mapping, though, and might once in a while just pull
off into some parking lots and observe what I can see from there.  Over
time, do this enough (w/ other people doing it too), suburbia begins to fill
in. (+ tracing from imagery) It's really not that exciting though, compared
to mapping parks or the city.


> Ed Hillsman
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