On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 09:24:50 +0100
Andreas Perstinger <andreas.perstin...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Would you ask a question specific to the US on talk-au (or any other 
> country-specific list)?

> Why do people have the impression that subsribing to legal-talk is 
> somehow more difficult than subscribing to talk?

It makes much more sense to have a central list where important
community matters are discussed. The idea that all 'tagging' has to go
to tagging list or all 'licence' to legal list divides the community.
Talk is a central point which should have no such rules as "not here".
I can understand that trying to discuss tagging matters on legal-talk
should be heartily discouraged, but once we have a number of lists
covering every sub-branch of discussion we lose our community.

All of the lists suffer from endless discussion of the same points with
very little action ever occurring - and reading the amateur lawyers on
legal-talk arguing with the professional lawyers is a form of amusement
that I don't need.

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