On 03/06/2011 01:11 PM, Esben Stien wrote:
Esben Stien<b...@esben-stien.name>  writes:

So, I sit in my car and I need a simple command to run every time I stop
outside a bus stop.

I'm using a laptop running Ubuntu GNU/Linux with a Neo Freerunner phone
with GPS.

I need a terminal command to execute at every bus stop. This command
should probably create a GPX file or something that containes the
positions from the GPS every time I execute the command.

It could also be a command to just store latitude and longitude to a
comma separated file:

40.70175, -103.68998, First Waypoint
39.28553, -123.79357, Another point
42.49638, -108.72995, And a third

Then, I could do:

gpsbabel -i csv -f way.csv -o gpx -F way.gpx

...to convert the file to GPX, I guess.

gpxlogger creates gpx file but you have to stop it after start

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