On 14 April 2011 19:05, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you. Do you speak for the OSMF?

No - hence my silence and no doubt that of others when you asked
before. But I have been following the licence issue attentively and
have seen this question answered more than once from "official"

> I oppose the change, primarily because of the damage it will cause. I've
> already seen what removing small amounts of data will do
> (http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2011-March/057318.html) and
> do not wish to see more of this.
> On the other hand, I wish to continue to contribute, and, because I am happy
> to contribute into the public domain, I cannot, under my personal ethics,
> decline.

I applaud your ethics, but it seems to me that your chosen course of
action, unless you do intend to accept at a later stage for your
existing account, will contribute more to the damage you fear than to
the smooth transition many of us would like to see.

Witholding one's data from the new licence, especially if there is no
objection to that licence, is not a very sane way to avoid damage to
the map.


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