> How else would you define the foundation?
> The OSMF is a not-for-profit company registered in England and Wales,
> the foundation has no paid staff and it is made up exclusively of
> unpaid volenteers. The OSMF board is made up of democratically elected
> volenteers. I am not an OSMF apologist, the OSMF definitely does have
> warts like: Where are the Board Minutes for the last few months? or
> what happend to the GPS2Go program?... and other gripes... But I am
> reminded they are volenteers, if I want a better "service", I could
> offer to help rather than chastice their fumblings.
> Regards
>  Grant aka Firefishy.
>  Part of Sysadmin Team, LWG Member, Data Working Group, Server "order"
> guy, van driver and mapper.

I joined and later made a deliberate decision to leave.

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