On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 13:51:06 +0200
Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> One small plea: Could you refrain from saying "the camp that wants to 
> move to the ODbL". It sounds like it's a small bunch of people when 
> indeed it is the overwhelming majority.

well that's just meadowdust.
The ODbL camp did not even get a majority of the OSMF members to vote
in favour of "the method of changeover".
To make your majority you add in X thousand who joined late and didn't
get a vote, and subtract Y thousand who haven't yet made an edit.

The reason Australians are better at detecting this form of deceit, is
that Australia is the modern home of the gerrymander, and we are very
familiar with how politicians arrange things to stay in power.

Of course, those who can remember a bit further back, recall that
Frederick Ramm is in favour of Public Domain, and not ODbL.
Perhaps if you explain just how your support was bought it would make
more entertaining reading that your recent posts.

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