Tom, (Bob?),

On 04/19/11 09:09, Thomas Davie wrote:
That 70% *have*
agreed to distribute their work under the new license. It is entirely
valid for the camp that wants to move to the ODbL sooner rather than
later to count the 70% in their stats, because accepting the new license
is all that matters, not some imaginary war between "yes" and "no".

You're entirely right of course and frankly I have no idea what all this fuss is about. It's just a graph. It isn't even intended to influence anybody. This is documenting what happens, not trying to talk people into doing something.

Anyone who is looking for numbers of people agreeing/disagreeing since it became mandatory (not counting anybody before that) will find a snapshot here: (currently 88% vs 12%) - but of course these numbers are biased in favour of the naysayers since most people who wanted to agree have done so long ago, whereas every single person who wants to disagree is counted in the 12%.

One small plea: Could you refrain from saying "the camp that wants to move to the ODbL". It sounds like it's a small bunch of people when indeed it is the overwhelming majority.


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