Brian Quinion openstreetmap at
Thu May 5 15:12:59 BST 2011

The lookup may be efficient, it is frequently wrong and again dependent of
correct and complete admin_levels.
Currently it places every street where I live (in the Netherlands) in
Belgium and does not specify a town with it.
Looking for "Jacob van Marisring" returns "Jacob van Marisring, Belgiƫ 51.32,51.32 14558705 (Residential)". Searching for "Jacob van Marisring,
Helden" even returns an error.

I was unaware I still had the country wrong for some places, I thought I'd found and fixed all these. Recalculating the street now produces the right result (as you can see if you re-do your search) so I'll do another forced
update and try and get the last of these problems fixed.

I now get two results, one is still "Jacob van Marisring, Belgiƫ" (maybe just a residual result?), the other is now "Jacob van Marisring, Peel en Maas, Limburg, 5988KJ, Nederland". While the location arrow is correct, the name is not. It displays the municipality and not the town (Peel en Maas should be Helden) which I think is caused by the missing admin_level=10 boundaries. It also displays the wrong zipcode. 5988KJ is the zipcode for Willem van Heukelomstraat [1], the correct zipcode would be 5988KG. Where do you get the zipcode from? I have a few houses tagged with addr: keys, all of which I believe to have correct addr:postcode and addr:street.

[1] <>


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