On 25 May 2011 02:32, Ian <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Everything I've read about XAPI and JXAPI has said that only one predicate
>> is supported, aside from the bbox predicate.  It's possible that you're
>> getting all the bus routes within that bbox.
> JXAPI allows multiple predicates, but they are currently OR'd rather than
> AND'd like I meant them to be. The above query is akin to saying "give me
> all relations with route=bus OR ref=010 OR in bbox=...".
> And yes, bbox'd relation queries aren't quite working. In this particular
> case I would suggest that you query for relation[ref=010] (since it is
> likely to return the fewest results) and use JOSM or similar to filter out
> what you're looking for.

so, are there any api servers, with current data, which allow me to
get a set of relations, dependent upon one tag predicate and one area

ultimately, i am looking for something like:

to get all bus routes in auckland

the [ref=010] in the original mail was purely a starting point, to
check i was getting the api syntax correct


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