
we have this recurring topic in various parts of OSM - airspace mapping.

I'm strictly against it.

(For those not familiar with airspace, here's an example of a VFR airspace map: http://www.rc-network.de/magazin/artikel_02/art_02-0001/ICAO-Karte-Ausschnitt-Bild2.jpg)

My arguments against airspace mapping are:

1. Imports of un-observable things that are defined by other people should be kept to an absolute minimum in OSM. Airspace definitions change regularly and the only way to have them in OSM is to import them again and again.

2. Airspace (since it only rarely has any connection to features on the ground) is perfectly suited for an overlay; very little would be gained by having it in OSM rather than in a parallel system maintained by a flying enthusiast.

3. For the same reason, airspace boundaries cut right across the country, through cities, and so on, and provide an unnecessary distraction to mappers.

4. 99% of Airspace is of almost no significance to non-pilots. Arguments like "one would like to know if the house one intends to buy is within some kind of airspace" are fantasy.

5. Pilots would not use a crowdsourced airspace map; they are legally required to have a current official map anyway when they fly somewhere. It seems to me that people who would like to have airspace in OSM are mostly flight simulator aficionados, and while I find that an interesting pastime, one has to be honest about it: Flight simulators are computer games.

6. The usual form in which airspace is published is on printed, copyrighted maps; it is difficult, if not impossible, to actually get your hands on airspace descriptions that are official and not copyright encumbered.

There was limited discussion here recently:


although this question was a little broader, concerning not only airspace but also other aviation-related items such as beacons. My position in that discussion was: If a feature is observable on the ground and doubles as an aviation reporting point - no problem, tag it. But if something is defined just by its coordinates or a mark on an airspace map - don't.

The beast rears its head in this "proposed feature" from 2009


and in its German counterpart,


and on


the topic is briefly referenced. Also there was discussion about aviation tracks on help.osm last year:


There are currently 21 "airspace" objects in OSM.

I would like to end this discussion once and for all, or at least for the near future, and create a wiki page named "Aviation", to which I would link from the "Aeroways" page and from "Airspace", and I would also close the "Proposed Feature" with a link to that page.

On the "Aviation" page, I would write up the reasons against airspace mapping, basically as given above and on the "mapping-for-aviation" help page, concluding that mapping for aviation is discouraged

On that page I would also suggest that someone who is reasonably interested should set up a rails port instance of their own, complete with a rendering chain to generate half-transparent tiles that can be overlaid over a standard map. And I would even offer them my help in doing that.

But before I do all that, I would like to hear from the community at large - you - whether you share my view. Do you agree that airspace should be elsewhere but not in OSM? Or do you think that airspace should have a place in OSM after all?


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