On 8 June 2011 16:44, Saphy Mo <saphy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear friend,
> I am trying to import whole Europe.os.bz2 in a Postgis database named
> EuropeLl as you see in the script below.
> CPU: Dual Coe 3 Ghy
> RAM: 3 GB
> HDD: 1 TB
> osm2pgsql.exe -d EuropeLL --latlong --slim -c -C 500 -H localhost -P 5432 -U
> osm -W -S default.style europe.osm.bz2

How much memory did you give postgresql? How much is it using?

Actually, it looks like it's breaking on the pending_ways query. It's
possible there's a lot of those, perhaps it's just running out of
memory there. The code was designed that pending would only be for
changes, and I wouldn't have expected that code to be used for an
initial import. but I haven't look at the code recently so maybe that

If it is the intention that this code is used for initial imports it
really needs to be changed to use cursors.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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