On 10/06/11 19:18, Ben Laenen wrote:

then why is it making all the decisions on the new license? Or am I then
misunderstanding how the whole process is taking place?

I was talking to Henk and Oliver of OSMF today* and I think we agree that what ever OSMFs role is, it would be good to have it somewhat clarified and in writing. Their view was that OSMF, apart from growing the community and maintaining infrastructure, OSMF should also be directing the momentum/energy/image of the project to meet OSM goal of "creating and providing free geographic data". This includes pushing the license change, controlling use of OSM resources, representing OSM as a point of contact, etc, and this definition of OSMF roughly reflects the current situation IMHO. I argued that OSMF might be better if their role was more limited, but we agree that some collective decision making (by OSMF on the community's behalf) was necessary.

On 10/06/11 19:27, Dermot McNally wrote:
  We the mappers are making the decisions based
on a proposal drawn up at great length by OSMF. And mappers will
continue to hold the power over future decisions of this sort.

At the moment, the real power doesn't lie with the general community (probably). Again, not really defined. There are many gray areas.

I suggest if people have opinions, they should contact the OSMF board directly, or go to their Sunday meeting [1]. The more in person you get, I suspect, the more effective is the communication. Posting on the mailing list is likely to get ignored. As I understand it, the role of OSMF is being actively debated internally (and externally, thanks to my sturring the hornets nest [2]). If you must debate this issue by mailing list, perhaps try the strategic mailing list? So the question is: how should the various organs of OSM interact to best achieve the overall goal of OSM?

Answers on a post card.... :)



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Board_Meeting_June_2011
[2] https://docs.google.com/View?id=dd9g3qjp_119fr26kqdz
* thanks guys, and Ed Avis too

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