TimSC wrote:
> This issue not just one person's hobby horse - its an issue that is very
> topical and very relevant.

Think you're missing an "IMHO" in there... and that's rather the point.

I can list plenty of things that I personally think are more topical and
relevant. I'm sure others on this list have their own lists. Do we all get
to put our subjective favourites at the top of the supposedly objective
list of News?

There are plenty of places where opinion can be aired in OSM. A box headed
"News" is not one of them.

> People actually bothered to vote, including
> significant people in the community. This shows people care.

Sure. I care too. I know people who've voted on that poll precisely to
show that they do not support your current crusade. I've chosen not to
vote for that same reason.

> Also, OSMF
> is actively debating this issue and it would be invaluable to have some
> empirical data. If there was some documentation on guidelines on what
> constitutes news, Richard might have a point.

Briefly flicking through the previous news items, they comprise things
like statistics (e.g. 400,000 registered users), software releases,
changes to the OSM website, new hardware etc.

Concrete changes, not discussion. I can't see any precedent for an
unofficial poll being placed there. If you want a box to encourage
discussion (because, after all, maybe people have just not noticed the
976234 channels we already have for it ;) ), maybe you could talk to the
wiki guys and get one set up. But 'tain't news.


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